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Challenges, Inspiration| Views: 1148

Salut les amis,
Francis revient à peine d’un voyage à Berlin où il était speaker au festival Berlin Letters. Ils lui avaient demandé de venir parler du challenge #the100dayproject que Francis avait fait il y a 2 ans sur Instagram, et qui avait changé pas mal de choses dans son travail, entre autres au niveau du lettering. À la fin de la présentation, certains semblaient tellement enthousiastes que les organisateurs lui ont proposé de relancer une nouvelle édition. Et donc on remet le couvert à partir d’aujourd’hui !

Pour faire simple, il s’agit de prendre 1h max chaque jour pour pratiquer le lettering et de poster ce que vous avez fait sur Instagram. La pratique doit être le centre de votre apprentissage. Donc bosser un peu chaque jour est le meilleur moyen de progresser.

Quelques lettrages réalisés par Francis lors de son premier #the100dayproject

Pour avoir tous les détails, je vous invite à aller voir son post Instagram. N’hésitez pas à poser vos questions si vous en avez. Vous pouvez le faire ici, sur le groupe Facebook Les Apprentis Lettreurs ou directement sous le post Instagram de Francis. Le challenge commence aujourd’hui !!

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The last days I was in Berlin for @berlinletters festival. They asked me to talk about the project I did 2 years ago here, the #the100dayproject while I had to draw each day lettering, for around 1 hour and for 100 days. During my talk I explained how it changed many things in my life like really finding my way into the styles I love, giving me a routine each day, 1 hour where I could escape and practice. Because yes, practice is the kex if you want to push further. . People were so inspired by the talk that @allthingsletters , co-organizer of the festival asked the attendance if people would be interested to start that kind of project. Many people raised their hand so she asked me if I would be ready to do it. And I said yes, so here we are!! . So here is the concept and rules. The concept here is to take 15 min to 1 hour each to practice lettering. Experimenting new ideas, trying new styles, new techniques. You have 1 hour max each day for you. When you are done you post it on Instagram with the hashtag #100daysoflettering. . How to find the time? Spend less time procrastinating on social networks, you can easily save one hour. Choose the time that fits better your agenda during the day. . It won’t be easy. 100 days is long. But you don’t need to do much. One letter can do the trick. You do it for you not for the people outside. And the more you practice the more you will see changes in your work. Trust me. And here, we may be a good small team to do the challenge. That is easier together than alone 😉 . Also don’t push too much pressure on your shoulders. Your work does not have to be perfect to be posted. And don’t pay to much attention on what could say your followers or if you are going to make enough likes. Fuck it! Follow your path and your community will find you! . The challenge starts tomorrow. So are you ready? . If you have any comment or questions, just let me know!!

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J’espère que certains d’entre vous vont se lancer avec nous !!

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